The Justice Project International is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization founded to provide direct assistance to survivors of human trafficking and offer support to women who have been exploited in prostitution on an international level. In North America, we serve clients reaching out to us remotely, offering support and stabilization while seeking to connect those in need to organizations in their area or beyond that are capable of providing direct care.
In addition, members of our team serve on the ground in Germany in cooperation with our partner organization, The Justice Project e.V., managing victim identification initiatives among refugees and inside brothels as well as providing direct oversight to a Safe House for survivors and children in their care and long-term survivor care programs.
Our Values
We Initiate - We recognize that supporting victims of human trafficking requires taking an active role in building bridges and finding solutions. We will not sit back. We will take action.
We Think - Critical thought is necessary in order to bring about real solutions to the complexity of human trafficking and its overlap with prostitution and migration. We resist oversimplifications based on top-down political strategies and consider the most valuable policies to be those built around the essential role played by locally based social works.
We Collaborate - We can't do it alone and we know it. Working together with others on a local, national, and international level is a foundational part of anti-trafficking work.
We Listen - We listen to those whom we serve and see this as the starting point for all social engagement. For us, listening means offering care and assistance to clients regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identification.
We Persevere - Offering effective care to victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation means holding on to hope through every up and down.
We Work Holistically - We believe in a Christian value system, which affirms the holistic nature and dignity of every human person. Along with providing practical assistance, we recognize how faith and spirituality are often a resource to our clients.