Connecting survivors of human trafficking to specialized care can only happen when they feel safe enough to come forward about their exploitation. To support women through this difficult process, teams from The Justice Project work in cooperation with the local refugee receiving centers in Germany, initiating first contact with the refugees in a protected setting. Once a woman is identified as a survivor, she is invited to meet with our social workers in the OASIS Counseling center where a wide range of available support is offered. Offers to our clients include accommodation in our Safe House, participation in the Compass program, stabilizing services, and access to relevant professional services based on the client’s specific needs.
Compass Integration and Recovery Program
Compass is a 6 month intensive program that we offer as a starting point for our clients to learn the German culture and begin language training while simultaneously working through the asylum-seeking application process. In addition, the program incorporates inter-personal teaching material focusing on topics such as anger management, fear, setting boundaries, and so on. Portions of the material used in our recovery program were developed by SA Foundation in Canada which has been providing aftercare for survivors for many years.
A safe place for survivors and their children….
The Safe House provides anonymous housing for up to seven survivors and their children at a time. As a result of the influx of West African refugees affected by human trafficking in Germany, the counseling center and Safe House have become prominent resources specializing in assisting the needs of this particularly affected target group. Recovering from the trauma of abuse while seeking to integrate into a foreign culture can be a difficult and complex process. Clients are offered a 6 month program focusing on integration, language learning and emotional healing while they work through the asylum-seeking application process.
On average, a woman lives in the Safe House for a year before she feels safe and empowered enough to take the step into an independent life.